Daniel Doerr, Dr. rer. nat.
PostDoc (alum)
Daniel Doerr received his PhD from Bielefeld University (Germany) in 2015. Prior to joining the Marschall Lab in September 2020, he pursued postdoctoral fellowships at EPFL (Switzerland) and Bielefeld University. His research interests cover several branches of computational comparative genomics, ranging from genome rearrangement analysis and synteny detection to the study of spatial genome organization and computational pan-genomics.
Analysis of the set of founder sequences under a homologous recombination model.
A tool for computing statistics for GFA-formatted pangenome graphs
GFAffix identifies walk-preserving shared affixes in variation graphs and collapses them into a non-redundant graph structure.
Panacus: fast and exact pangenome growth and core size estimation
Constructing founder sets under allelic and non-allelic homologous recombination
Algorithms for Molecular Biology, September 29, 2023
A Draft Human Pangenome Reference
Nature, May 10, 2023
Liao W*, Asri M*, Ebler J*, Doerr D, Haukness M, Hickey G, Lu S, Lucas JK, Monlong J, Abel HJ, Buonaiuto S, Chang XH, Cheng H, Chu J, Colonna V, Eizenga JM, Feng X, Fischer C, Fulton RS, Garg S, Groza C, Guarracino A, Harvey WT, Heumos S, Howe K, Jain M, Lu T, Markello C, Martin FJ, Mitchell MW, Munson KM, Mwaniki MN, Novak AM, Olsen HE, Pesout T, Porubsky D, Prins P, Sibbesen JA, Tomlinson C, Villani F, Vollger MR, Human Pangenome Reference Consortium, Bourque G, Chaisson MJ, Flicek P, Phillippy AM, Zook JM, Eichler EE, Haussler D, Jarvis ED, Miga KH, Wang T, Garrison E†, Marschall T†, Hall I†, Li H†, Paten B†
Constructing Founder Sets Under Allelic and Non-Allelic Homologous Recombination
22nd International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2022), August 26, 2022
Legend: * joint first author; † joint last author