Sven Willger, Dr. rer. nat.



Sven Willger studied microbiology with a focus on Molecular Mycology at Heinrich-Heine University. After his graduation in 2007, he joined the group of Robert Cramer at Montana State University, where he characterized the response to hypoxic conditions in the human fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. In 2012 he joined the group of Deborah Hogan at Dartmouth College were he started his transformation from a wet-lab scientist to a data scientist. He worked on identifying the microbiome in the lung of people with CF and transcriptomic analyses of Candida albicans. In 2017 he returned to Germany and started in the group "Molecular Bacteriology" headed by Prof. Dr. Susanne Häußler at TWINCORE in Hannover and worked on the prediction of antimicrobial resistance based on sequencing data. He joined the Marschall lab in 2022 to develop software modules and workflows as part of the MODS initiative and member of the Core Unit Bioinformatics (CUBI).