Rebecca Serra Mari, M. Sc.
serramar at
Rebecca received her BSc and MSc in Bioinformatics from Saarland University, Saarbrücken. Since then she has been working in the Marschall group, first at Saarland University and since April 2020 at Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf. Research interests include genome & haplotype assembly, pangenomics, genome graphs etc.
Haplotype-resolved assembly of a tetraploid potato genome using long reads and low-depth offspring data
Genome Biology, January 19, 2024
Serra Mari R, Schrinner S, Finkers R, Ziegler FMR, Arens P, Schmidt MH, Usadel B, Klau GW, Marschall T
Genetic polyploid phasing from low-depth progeny samples
Haplotype-resolved assembly of a tetraploid potato genome using long reads and low-depth offspring data
Haplotype-resolved diverse human genomes and integrated analysis of structural variation
Science, February 25, 2021
Ebert P*, Audano PA*, Zhu Q*, Rodriguez-Martin B*, Porubsky D, Bonder MJ, Sulovari A, Ebler J, Zhou W, Serra Mari R, Yilmaz F, Zhao X, Hsieh P, Lee J, Kumar S, Lin J, Rausch T, Chen Y, Ren J, Santamarina M, Höps W, Ashraf H, Chuang NT, Yang X, Munson KM, Lewis AP, Fairley S, Tallon LJ, Clarke WE, Basile AO, Byrska-Bishop M, Corvelo A, Evani US, Lu TY, Chaisson MJP, Chen J, Li C, Brand H, Wenger AM, Ghareghani M, Harvey WT, Raeder B, Hasenfeld P, Regier AA, Abel HJ, Hall IM, Flicek P, Stegle O, Gerstein MB, Tubio JMC, Mu Z, Li YI, Shi X, Hastie AR, Ye K, Chong Z, Sanders AD, Zody MC, Talkowski ME, Mills RE, Devine SE, Lee C†, Korbel JO†, Marschall T†, Eichler EE†
Haplotype threading: accurate polyploid phasing from long reads
Genome Biol, September 21, 2020
Schrinner SD, Serra Mari R, Ebler J, Rautiainen M, Seillier L, Reimer JJ, Usadel B, Marschall T, Klau GW
Legend: * joint first author; † joint last author